Day1: Taking up the Blogging Challenge My Way

Only time when this blog got more hits than I ever expected was when I took up the 31 Day Blogging Challenge and let me tell you right now, that it was a big fail. I couldn't even last for 10 days. Well, that explains how consistent I can be but yeah! it is time for me to test myself and that's why I have planned something for myself in my own way. 
What's the purpose? 
To discipline myself. During school, I was disciplined but then college turned me into a spoiled brat who needs to learn the lesson of self - discipline. And who can be the best teacher than my own self? 
So, I thought of taking up this initiative to discipline myself. 
How would I do that?
By taking up this challenge of blogging regularly. You know, I run two blogs and what I have decided is to post regularly on both of these blogs without any break. Yes, that means a new post every day on this blog as well as on Finix Post 
There is one more reason behind that... Today I wrote about importance of decluttering to reduce stress where I talked of how we can tackle stress only by making our surroundings and mind clean. While writing that post, I realized how messed up my laptop is. Especially, my evernote notes. In fact, there is one note where I have more than 200 blogging prompts waiting for me. And I think it is time for me to clear up and declutter my notes and laptop. 
So, this is one of the strongest and most selfish reason behind this decision.
And I promise this time I would pay a great attention to the quality and also complete the challenge.
I hope you enjoy it! 


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